FUX/FUH anti-twisting galvanized steel rope from Condux Tesmec is specially designed to serve as pulling rope for stringing overhead transmission lines. FUX galvanized steel rope is an anti-twisting rope made up of braided strands and offers complete stability to rotation, high break loads, flexibility and corrosion resistance. FUH offers the same benefits of FUX, but is made with high tensile strength steel strands, allowing for higher working loads with the same diameter.
FUX/FUH rope has very low elongation when pulled and is more flexible than any other rope available, producing less stress and providing a longer life span. FUX/FUH is the safest and most economical rope for overhead stringing operations.
Condux Tesmec offers a full line of stringing equipment including pullers, tensioners and puller-tensioners, as well as productivity-enhancing conductor stringing tools and accessories.